
Continuous Delivery Pipelines

Thursday, Sep 16, 2021

I recently finished reading Continuous Delivery Pipelines by Dave Farley. While reading, I used post-notes to remind myself of things I thought were worth paying extra attention to. What follows is my take on sections where I placed post-it notes, a month later. Below are the things that stood out to me, having already gotten a pretty solid idea of what a basic CI/CD system looks like. The commit cycle A question for the author, Dave Farley.

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Continuous vigilance

Tuesday, Oct 20, 2020

Continuous Coding does not mean “Code until you drop” I recently came across a job posting which raised all sorts of red flags for me. It may look like a good opportunity, but continuous coding is only possible when you have sustainable coding. This article will point out all the red flags in this posting to help protect you from getting pulled into a job which will be more harmful than rewarding.

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Continuous Certification Self Assessment tests

Monday, Jan 1, 0001

– Before you start trying to implement the skills and practices discussed in this site, try some tests to make sure you fully understand them. Alternatively, you can take the tests to help you know what you need to understand. Either way, the idea is to validate your assumptions, and get quick feedback on where you are going. Better to take the test and fail quickly, than to implement some ideas and find out it made things worse.

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Continuous Reading

Monday, Jan 1, 0001

Personalities Kent Beck TDD XP (Extreme Programing) 3X (Explore, Expand, Extract) Agile Manifesto Arlo Belshee Micro Skills Ward Cunningham The wiki XP Agile Manifesto Alistair Cockburn Agile Use Cases Heart Of Agile Agile Manifesto James Coplien Decisions based on Data, not just experience Agile Manifesto Marting Fowler Refactoring Agile Manifesto Ron Jeffries XP Agile Mentoring Agile Manifesto Robert C. Martin (aka Uncle Bob) SOLID design priciples Clean Code Agile Manifesto Steve Mellor Executable UML Precise Documentation Agile Manifesto Sandi Metz Talks and Teaching of Object Oriented Programing Jeff Sutherland & Ken Schwaber & Mike Beedle SCRUM

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Continuous Watching

Monday, Jan 1, 0001

Classic talk on TDD and the affects of naming things and how we think about them. Ian Cooper:TDD, Where did it all go wrong? Video Course on learning TDD JBrains World's Best Intro to TDD TDD and Design: Sandro Mancuso - Does TDD Really Lead to Good Design? “Reduce Volotality in the marginal cost of features” (TDD, BDD, CD, Lean) JBrains: The Economics of Software Design Using Code coverage, and classic techniques to refactor legacy code - A six video playlist Refactoring Legacy Code

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New direction of Continuous Coding

Monday, Jan 1, 0001

What is continuous coding really? feature flags / ab test / cleaning up dark launching / shadowing/ mirror / teeing branch by abstraction multiple systems live / canary / service mesh/ proxies traffic shifting blue/ green strangler pattern always green small changes test isolation write code to be observable smart monitoring ( few metrics) exception tracking - automate test creation different logging patterns. deploy vs release and deployment strategies post release analysis / update code and alerts contract testing isolated integration testing always support the previous configuration chaos engineering - how to write code to survive a broken / overloaded dependency.

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